Deslocalización a nivel regional: el caso de la industria y los servicios en la Comunidad de Madrid

  • Mª Ángeles Cadarso Vecina
  • Nuria Gómez Sanz
  • Luis Antonio López Santiago
  • María Ángeles Tobarra Gómez
Keywords: Narrow offshoring, Broad offshoring, Input-output tables, Madrid region


This document shows the evolution of offshoring for Madrid Region using Input- Output regional data for the period 1996-2003. A set of different measures is built from the value of imported intermediate inputs and distinguishing by their origin: rest of Spain, EU and rest of the world. Our results show a generalised increase of intermediate inputs required for production, a result supported by previous literature for the whole of Spain. The intermediate inputs profile is different by sectors and origins, and we found an increasing substitution of intraregional purchases (that keep constant or decrease) by intermediate inputs coming from the rest of the world or, in a smaller quantity, other Spanish regions. This pattern is shared by both intra and inter-sectoral intermediate inputs purchases.


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How to Cite
Cadarso Vecina M. Á. ., Gómez Sanz N. ., López Santiago L. A. . y Tobarra Gómez M. Á. . (2009). Deslocalización a nivel regional: el caso de la industria y los servicios en la Comunidad de Madrid. Papeles de Europa, 18, 93-120.