Capital accumulation, dynamic insufficiency and economic growth in Latin America

  • Blanca Lilia Avendaño Vargas Escuela Superior de Economía del IPN
  • Ignacio Perrotini Hernández Facultad de Economía de la UNAM
Keywords: Latin America, capital accumulation, balance of payments, endogenous growth


In this paper we analyse theoretically and empirically the relationship between dynamic insufficiency (DI) (Prebisch, 1970; Avendaño & Perrotini, 2015) and the growth rate consistent with balance of payments (gbp) equilibrium (Thirlwall, 1979) for a set of Latin American economies during the period 1977-2011. Our hypothesis is that DI exacerbates the external constraint on growth due to the gap between the natural rate of capital accumulation and the guaranteed growth rate (kn>gw) and that there is a causal relationship between and. This means that is determined by demand and supply conditions.


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How to Cite
Avendaño Vargas B. L. y Perrotini Hernández I. (2017). Capital accumulation, dynamic insufficiency and economic growth in Latin America. Papeles de Europa, 30(2), 105-124.