El esfuerzo español de mitigación de las emisiones de los “sectores no directiva” y su distribución entre las CCAA

  • Ana Yábar Sterling
Keywords: Greenhouse gases, Climate change mitigation, Regions, Spatial equity,


This article analyzes the Spanish GHG emissions actual balance and their trends from a regional perspectiva (NUTS 2 or CCAA), in the period 2005-2007, by sources: big fixed CO2 emissions controlled by Directive 2003/87/CE and “Non Directive” sources –which are the main research subject, deriving conclusions on the heterogeneity between CCAA from this point of view and also, identifying the regions which concentrates the biggest share of diffuse/Directive emissions. Six CCAA belongs to each of those groups and four of them are included in both. The research deeply extends on the recent EU Commission proposal dealing with the effort of Member States to reduce up to 2020 their GHG emissions from non Directive sources, aiming to: a) identify the quantitative arguments insert on the proposal to deal with spatial equity principle, mentioned as the main distribution issue and b) generate a proposal to distribute the “diffuse sources” mitigation effort quantified for Spain, between CCAA, based on similar criteria embodied on COM (2008) 17. The paper offers a proposal for the Spanish commitments distribution between their 19 CCAA –attending regional equity and sustainable development criteria in congruence with the EU Proposal, and defends that a set of regional commitments to cope with the global one for Spain in 2020, would also improve efficiency and social collaboration.


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How to Cite
Yábar Sterling A. (2008). El esfuerzo español de mitigación de las emisiones de los “sectores no directiva” y su distribución entre las CCAA. Observatorio Medioambiental, 11, 219-257. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/OBMD/article/view/OBMD0808110219A