Diseño del Post-Kioto. Opciones, principios, objetivos y políticas sobre el cambio climático en la UE, frente al segundo período de compromiso

  • Ana Yábar Sterling
Keywords: Mitigation and Adaptation, European Programme on Climate Change, Post-Kyoto Strategy,


The article deals with the endowments, framework, principles and technical options open to discusión on greenhouse gas emission reductions facing next international negotiations round opened to be prepared at the end of Kyoto Protocol first period of commitments. Some of those basic topics of post-Kyoto architecture are analysed from the EU climate strategy perspective; in order to select the EU commitment regime for 2012 onwards, major technical and political issues and arguments are under consideration by the European Commission which are also revisited. The article includes references to major climate change scientific evidence and the costs and benefits of adaptation and mitigation actions.


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How to Cite
Yábar Sterling A. (2005). Diseño del Post-Kioto. Opciones, principios, objetivos y políticas sobre el cambio climático en la UE, frente al segundo período de compromiso. Observatorio Medioambiental, 8, 271-289. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/OBMD/article/view/OBMD0505110271A