«La política medioambiental de la Unión Europea en materia de cambio climático»

  • Alejandro López López
Keywords: Climatic change, European Union, environmental Policy, Kyoto protocol, sectorial policies,


The efforts of the European Union and its member States have been useful during the Past few years to improve the negative effects influencing climatic change. Related to this matter other policies which would influence the environment in such areas as energy, transport, agriculture and industry and even fiscal and domestic economy and land use have been drawn out to be implemented in a comprehensive policy. Actually now (April 2002) the Community has finalised its internal procedure and the majority of member States (15 + 1) have deposited the instruments for ratification with the United Nations so that Kyoto Protocol can be ratified during the Johanesburg Summit (August 2002).


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How to Cite
López López A. (2002). «La política medioambiental de la Unión Europea en materia de cambio climático». Observatorio Medioambiental, 5, 163-191. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/OBMD/article/view/OBMD0202110163A