Artisanal mining in Peru: environmental consequences

  • Verónica Stéffany Choque Alayo Autoridad de Transporte Urbano para Lima y Callao
Keywords: Regional Environmental Authority, Environmental Inspection, Arequipa Regional Environmental Control System, Environment


The present investigation was carried out using the information provided by the Regional Environmental Authority of Arequipa, located in the district, province and department of Arequipa, during the years 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. The general objective of the research was to develop a proposal for a Proposal for the Regional Environmental Control System, with the purpose of collaborating with the environmental management carried out by the Regional Government of Arequipa, this was achieved by adapting the principles and processes of the National Environmental Assessment and Control System to the reality and needs of the Authority Arequipa Regional. The work was justified in that there is currently no Regional Environmental Control System that adapts to the demands and characteristics of the Regional Government of Arequipa. The research is based on the qualitative research method. The methodology was scientific, which involves the analysis of national and regional environmental administrative regulations, in order to determine the procedural and administrative problems of the Regional Environmental Authority of Arequipa; and prepare a Proposal for a Proposal for the Regional Environmental Control System, demonstrating the benefits of said proposal.


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How to Cite
Choque Alayo V. S. (2023). Artisanal mining in Peru: environmental consequences. Observatorio Medioambiental, 26, 207-228.
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