Evaluation of ecosystem services through stakeholders’ co-participation. A retrospective on the case of forests

  • Óscar González-Yebra Universidad de Almería (España). Centro de Investigación CIAMBITAL.
  • Marina Schoenemann Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina).
  • Alfredo Tolón Becerra Universidad de Almería (España).
Keywords: Ecosystem services, Sociocultural evaluation, Stakeholders, Literature review, Forest management


In the last few decades, the research on the evaluation of ecosystem services (ES) has increased, although it has been generally focused on economic and biophysical analysis, without paying attention to the social component. The purpose of this study is to explore how the ES are valued from a sociocultural approach, including the co-participation of different stakeholders. For this purpose, a systematic analysis of the scientific literature indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases has been carried out. From the bibliographic review, it has been possible to establish the characteristics and services that predominate in sociocultural evaluations, and, on the other hand, a gap has been detected in the framework of natural/protected parks and Mediterranean forests. For this reason, the findings in this work could serve as a reference in the approach of studies related to the evolution, planning and future policies on sustainability and environmental awareness.


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How to Cite
González-Yebra Ó. ., Schoenemann M. . y Tolón Becerra A. . (2023). Evaluation of ecosystem services through stakeholders’ co-participation. A retrospective on the case of forests. Observatorio Medioambiental, 26, 45-67. https://doi.org/10.5209/obmd.93020
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