The influence of environmental education in the exercise of the rights of public participation and access to information in Xochimilco, Mexico

  • Daniela Grisel Villarreal Cantú Universidad de Monterrey
Keywords: Environmental education, public participation, access to environmental information


The analysis presented through the case study of the Periférico Sur and Canal Nacional vehicular bridge in the Xochimilco Mayor's Office, which took place in Xochimilco, Mexico, shows that environmental education is a pillar to encourage the exercise of public participation rights and access to environmental information and that these three concepts are essential to ensure adequate environmental protection. It is proposed to achieve a holistic integration of an environmental education strategy so that in future public constructions governments do not fall into irregular and illegal unilateral decisions in the face of participatory processes and public affairs issues.


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How to Cite
Villarreal Cantú D. G. (2022). The influence of environmental education in the exercise of the rights of public participation and access to information in Xochimilco, Mexico. Observatorio Medioambiental, 25, 267-286.
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