An approach from the environment to the regional structure of the Spanish geographic space and its geographical fit in the Spanish Territorial Political Model

  • Ignacio Sotelo Pérez IUCA
Keywords: Environment, geographical space, Territorial Political Model, Region, territorial integration


The current territorial situation of our politically organized social reality, which we identify as Spain, responds to the transit that runs between territorial imbalance, regional disparity, geographic spatial convergence. A transition that highlights the unequal conformation of a State, this is the Spanish one, which from its original conformation, configuration, organization and management, historical, political, legal and social, has been reproducing differences on its different geographical spaces that transcending the mere economic-social dimension, it has framed a territorial situation with implications of a political, social, demographic, legal nature, which in its practical materialization on the Spanish geographical space, have conditioned not only the distribution in the territory of power among its different institutions legal-public (in terms of problems), but also, the ways that these, once configured and distributed the dissimilar functional attributions, have ordered the territory circumscribed to them (in terms of resolution); polarization, which has led to the contemporary state of our country.


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How to Cite
Sotelo Pérez I. . (2022). An approach from the environment to the regional structure of the Spanish geographic space and its geographical fit in the Spanish Territorial Political Model. Observatorio Medioambiental, 25, 247-266.
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