Dimension and environmental contexts of water: the 2030 Agenda

  • María Sotelo Pérez Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Ignacio Sotelo Pérez Investigador Contratado FPU
  • José Antonio Sotelo Navalpotro Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Water, Environment, Environmental Policies, 2030 Agenda


Throughout this research, it is clear when dealing with the environmental dimensions of water that despite the proliferation of some factors such as technological advances in communication and transport or the cooperation of many countries on issues related to safety, drug trafficking, terrorism and environmental matters, in some cases, the strong democratization of state political systems, have benefited the public administrations and national politicians to lean towards a treatment close to the citizen and, therefore, their decentralization, flourishing the positions defended by local, regional or national spheres (in fact, we can find a clear example in community law, in which the principle of subsidiarity prevails more and more in public administration and political management), what those questions that can be answered and solved efficiently from a local level, exclude their realization in other provincial, regional or national perimeters (so on, what can be done from the regional scale, relegates and discards the action of national administrations, and the same with the national horizon in relation to the supranational). Despite the appearance of environmental problems (and human problems in general), of global magnitude and significance, it has favored the work of supranational organizations that, through international cooperation, try to respond (primarily from the commitment and legal connection of the largest number of possible states), to the setbacks it faces (due to human action), our planet (its natural environment), and which have a dramatic impact on the existence of millions of people around the world.


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How to Cite
Sotelo Pérez M., Sotelo Pérez I. y Sotelo Navalpotro J. A. (2020). Dimension and environmental contexts of water: the 2030 Agenda. Observatorio Medioambiental, 23, 83-108. https://doi.org/10.5209/obmd.73170
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