Planning, management and protection of air quality in Spain

  • María Sotelo Pérez Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC).
  • Ignacio Sotelo Pérez Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Ambientales (IUCA). Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Investigador Contratado Predoctoral FPU (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte).
  • José Antonio Sotelo Navalpotro Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Ambientales (IUCA). Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).
Keywords: Environmental planning, Atmospheric pollution, anthropic risks.


In this article we have approached the reality surrounding the intervention of public authorities in the control of air pollution in our country. This is done through the planning, management and protection of the air we breathe. In Spain, as in the other countries that make up the European Union, Economic growth brings the constant increase in the consumption of natural resources, the generation of waste and pollutants that spread to the atmosphere generating “air pollution” and the exposure of citizens to numerous toxic and harmful substances that put at risk and generate dangers and uncertainty, among other issues, to human health. In this way, we can affirm, without a doubt, that the progress generated in the integration of the environment in the decision-making process and in the realization of sectoral policies they are relatively slow.


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How to Cite
Sotelo Pérez M., Sotelo Pérez I. y Sotelo Navalpotro J. A. (2017). Planning, management and protection of air quality in Spain. Observatorio Medioambiental, 20, 319-351.
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