Environmental services law in South America. Proposals for a sustainable management

  • Clara María Minaverry Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales Ambrosio Rioja Facultad de Derecho Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Keywords: Environmental services, environment, sustainability, regulations, South America.


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the main issues of environmental services regulation from a selection of South American countries, in order to set up strengths and weaknesses and to collaborate with feasible proposals for a sustainable management. Methodologically, we made a comparative analysis of “case studies”, and used the documentary observational method. The qualitative data were secondary (written records, such as jurisprudence and regulations). We can conclude that there is a legal disparity in environmental services regulations from the selected countries of South America. This situation goes against the MERCOSUR spirit (where Argentina and Paraguay are members), which main objective is to standardize the environmental legal framework, according to Resolution N° 22/92 from the MERCOSUR Common Market Group. The same occurs with the countries from the Andean Community (Perú and Colombia).


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How to Cite
Minaverry C. M. (2014). Environmental services law in South America. Proposals for a sustainable management. Observatorio Medioambiental, 17, 341-359. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_OBMD.2014.v17.47198
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