The natural heritage as a base for development

  • Abderraman El-Hacem Debek
Keywords: Egypt, Toshka project, Al Faiyoum, Ecoturism, Qarun Lake, Wheat, Cotton.


Egypt, a country with a huge geographic extension, but concentrating the 100% of its population just on the 4% of its surface, of the Nile Valley and Delta. The space and demographic growth limitations are some of the main factors that determine the economic development of the country. With Toshka project, the agriculture sector will become improved and expanded, reducing the wheat imports. The Toshka project could cause negative impacts on environmental and socioeconomic aspects. One of the elements that could be affected is Qarun Lake, in the province of Al Faiyum. The final conclusion was that Toshka project itself involves higher costs than the benefit of cotton production and the cotton environmental cost would be higher than that of the wheat. However, the environmental costs outweigh the socioeconomic benefits.


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How to Cite
El-Hacem Debek A. (2014). The natural heritage as a base for development. Observatorio Medioambiental, 17, 227-252.
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