Identification of the factors from transport social costs: A review of the literature

  • María Luisa Delgado Jalón Departamento de Economía de la Empresa Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Sandra Flores Ureba Departamento de Economía de la Empresa Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • José Ángel Rivero Menéndez Departamento de Economía de la Empresa Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Keywords: Sustainable mobility, transportation costs, route optimization, externalities.


The prevailing model of transport characterized by a predominant use of private vehicles, identified the need to develop a policy transport towards sustainability in the European Union. This policy marked the Spanish Strategy for Sustainable Mobility, aimed at promoting more sustainable means - i.e. “public transport”, "car-sharing”- to reduce emissions and energy consumption. With these objectives it was launched in 2013 the Co-Mobility (TIN2012-31104) project, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness which seeks to apply new technologies to improve the mobility of people on their commute. As one of the objectives of this project is to identify the transport costs to alert the commuter to a more sustainable mobility, this paper highlights an approach to the key variables for commute costs calculator by a detailed review of the existing literature in order to justify the variables and quantities included in the commuting costs.


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How to Cite
Delgado Jalón M. L., Flores Ureba S. y Rivero Menéndez J. Á. (2014). Identification of the factors from transport social costs: A review of the literature. Observatorio Medioambiental, 17, 65-89.
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