How do the Andalusian Sub-Regional Plans reply to the new demands from the recent water regulation?

  • Mercedes Rosa España Villanueva Universidad de Granada
  • Luis Miguel Valenzuela Montes Universidad de Granada
Keywords: WFD, territory, sub-regional plans


The implementation of the Water Framework Directive meant important changes in the water regulation at European level. This Directive has introduced new principles and new objectives for the water management and watershed planning. Within these innovations, the need of a better integration of water management and spatial planning is significant. Therefore, the achievement of the WFD objectives will have implications for the territory. This paper aims to achieve two main goals: (1) to identify the territorial consequences of the implementation of the WFD, the Spanish Regulation of Watershed Planning and the Andalusian Water Law; (2) to find out, through the check of four specific Andalusian Sub-regional Plans, if the spatial planning is ready for answer the new circumstances.


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How to Cite
España Villanueva M. R. y Valenzuela Montes L. M. (2013). How do the Andalusian Sub-Regional Plans reply to the new demands from the recent water regulation?. Observatorio Medioambiental, 16, 207-227.
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