Cost-benefit and cost-efficiency analysis of the water footprint in Spain

  • José Antonio Sotelo Navalpotro Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • María Sotelo Pérez
  • Fernando García Quiroga
Keywords: Indicators, Sustainable Development, regional economic development, Water Footprint, Spain, Cost-Benefit.


We are increasingly needing ways to secure patterns of development that be sustainable, that is, environmentally, socially and economically appropriate for us and for future generations. Sustainability indicators are a promising tool that would allow us to “land” the concept, supporting the way in which decisions are made. In Spain there are few experiences on the subject. This paper presents the work carried out to develop sustainability indicators. Throughout the present study shows the importance of analysis of “cost-benefit” and “cost efficency” in the assessment of the water footprint of Spain.


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How to Cite
Sotelo Navalpotro J. A., Sotelo Pérez M. y García Quiroga F. (2011). Cost-benefit and cost-efficiency analysis of the water footprint in Spain. Observatorio Medioambiental, 14, 225-254.
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