Del movimiento vecinal a las movilizaciones por una vivienda digna en Madrid. De la necesidad hecha derecho al derecho hecho necesidad

  • Jorge Sequera Fernández Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Social movements, collective action, social change, housing


This article attempts to identify the historic, action and management differences and similarities of the collectives protest around the housing and city rights in Madrid, by the contrast between them. On the one hand, the neighborhood struggles that occurred between 1970 and 1980, which appeared by the necessity in housing and infrastructures (electricity, water, public transport, drainage, etc.), by a internal population that migrated from field to city. On the other hand, current situation, speculation voracious housing, accessibility crisis for much of the population to buy a home due to the rising price of these, which ended in 2006 in a mobilizing a segment of the population in the main cities of Spain, demanding the right to housing.


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How to Cite
Sequera Fernández J. (2011). Del movimiento vecinal a las movilizaciones por una vivienda digna en Madrid. De la necesidad hecha derecho al derecho hecho necesidad. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 29(1), 489-504.
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