La Filosofía Política Sintética del Carácter de Producción

  • Héctor Bernal Mora Universidad de Guadalajara
Keywords: Character of production, stimulus-sense, synthesis, paradigm theoretical, Political Philosophy


The Political Philosophy of the Character of Production, stimulus-sense, orientation as an original theoretical paradigm, allows for the synthesis of different irreconcilable and opposite points of view. In one way or another, all philosophies of history, or their corresponding components, fit into orientation. World history is orientation, product of the interaction of oriented men or groups of humans, who interpret the interpretation of the productive system itself, which is, in turn, the result of the interpretation of the interpretation of the previous system, the world they create and which, in turn, creates them. Man builds his world motivated, oriented, initially, the theory of political philosophy.


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How to Cite
Bernal Mora H. (2011). La Filosofía Política Sintética del Carácter de Producción. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 29(1), 449-475.
Recensions - Notes