El Derecho observando a los embriones: el caso argentino

  • Santiago Gabriel Calise
Keywords: In vitro fertilization, Metaphor, Person, Right to life, Cryopreservation


The following paper analyzes how the law system observes the problems related to embryo manipulation in Argentina. To do so, some sources of law, such as legislation, jurispru-dence and doctrine, will be analyzed, as well as the law projects presented by the political sys-tem. The position assumed by law and politics is clear: the embryo is a person since fertilization. That means that embryo research, and for some people, in vitro fertilization, must be banned, as they violate the right to life and the human embryo dignity. In order to reinforce this opinion, there is the tendency to resort to humanizing metaphors, equating embryo and child, as well as reducing fertilization therapies to industrial and eugenic procedures.


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How to Cite
Calise S. G. (2011). El Derecho observando a los embriones: el caso argentino. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 29(1), 303-323. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_NOMA.2011.v29.n1.26809