El feticidio e infanticidio femeninos

  • Beatriz Campos Mansilla
Keywords: Female foeticide, Female infanticide, Patriarchy, Violence against women, Gender roles


Amartya Sen wrote an article in 1990 warning about the shortage of more than 100 million women in Asia. Since then, the phenomena of female foeticide and infanticide have been more deeply studied as problems which reduce women and girl‟s rights, in China and India above the rest of the countries. This article tries to compile different proposals made about female foeticide and infanticide from a perspective which considers them as patriarchal social organization‟s products and reproducers. After studying the main explanatory factors and the main consequences, we will be able to conclude about their violence against women kind and their correspondence to the set of unequal relations between women and men.


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How to Cite
Campos Mansilla B. (2010). El feticidio e infanticidio femeninos. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 27(3), 197-210. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/NOMA/article/view/NOMA1010330197A