Católicos y Evangélicos. ¿Alianzas religiosas en el campo de la bioética argentina?

  • Marcos Carbonelli
  • Gabriela Irrazábal
Keywords: Bioethics, Politics, Religion, Argentina


This article will explore the involvement and concern of religious groups in Bioethics, a field whose frontiers are being delimited and permanently re defined. Since the emergence of Bioethics as a major concern during the 1990s, the Catholic Church tries to regulate and monitor the scientific advances in the field of biomedicine. At the same time, there is an increasing involvement of evangelistic and Pentecostals groups. The main questions for these religious groups refer to decisions on regulation of life and death and the science limits. They believe that Religion, and not the State- must establish the boundaries that concern individuals lives. We consider that there are certain conditions for an strategic alliance within the religious field that allows deeper analysis about the religious productions in Latinoamerica‟s Modernity. Moreover, it will be study the secularization process as a field in conflict, transformation and re-configuration.


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How to Cite
Carbonelli M. . y Irrazábal G. (2010). Católicos y Evangélicos. ¿Alianzas religiosas en el campo de la bioética argentina?. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 26(2), 269-284.