Lectura biopolítica de los actos de gobierno del ex presidente del Perú Alberto Fujimori. a propósito de la sentencia condenatoria emitida por la Corte Suprema de Justicia del Perú

  • Hesbert Benavente Chorres
Keywords: Government of Alberto Fujimori, Bio-politics, State of exception, Concentration camps, Zoe and bios


This research use the bio-politics to indicate that in Peru, during the government of Alberto Fujimori, was in a permanent state of exception; where the barracks of the army were using as concentration camps, where there was imprisoned quite that one that was an opponent to the regime, there being a zone of indetermination between the zoe and the bios. There existed a squadron of the death created in the rows of the army, whose purpose was the persons' elimination. This research use the judgment of April 07, 2009, emitted by the Supreme Court of Justice of Peru, where Alberto Fujimori was condemned as author of murder, kidnap and other offenses; and the thesis of Walter Benjamín, Hannah Arendt, Michel Foucault y Giorgio Agamben.


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How to Cite
Benavente Chorres H. . (2009). Lectura biopolítica de los actos de gobierno del ex presidente del Perú Alberto Fujimori. a propósito de la sentencia condenatoria emitida por la Corte Suprema de Justicia del Perú. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 22(2), 289-316. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/NOMA/article/view/NOMA0909240289A