De la biopolítica al campo

  • Mauro Benente
Keywords: Biopolitics, Tanatopolítics, Racism, Fields, Bare life


The aim of the present piece of writing/work/essay is to advance a brief approach to the concepts of 'biopolitics' and 'tanatopolitics'. The works of Michel Foucault, Roberto Esposito and Giorgio Agamben will be of the greatest importance in order to achieve this purpose, as they will allow us to detect the coincidences as well as the dissidences among the author’s proposals.
After concluding a conceptual approach to the biopolitics, it will be shown that for Foucault and Esposito the emergence of the phenomenon takes place with Modernity, whereas for Agamben its origin is parallel to the origin of sovereignty. Finally, the question of the fields will be dealt according to Giorgio Agamben, but only after presenting the coincidence between the biopolitics and the tanatopolitics, by means of studying some of the reflections put forward by Roberto Esposito in depth.


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How to Cite
Benente M. . (2009). De la biopolítica al campo. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 21(1), 115-125.