Perfiles de la nueva izquierda en la argentina reciente. acerca de las transformaciones de los movimientos de trabajadores desocupados autónomos

  • Bruno Fornillo
  • Analía Garcia
  • Melina Vazquez
Keywords: Argentina, Autonomism, Piqueteros, New left, Activis, Collective identity


Considering the transformations that have taken place in the political conjuncture in Argentina, from the government of Kirchner and the dispersion among the unemployed organizations after the Masacre del Puente Pueyrredón (Pueyrredón Bridge Massacre); we propose to analyze what happened with the autonomous organizations, in the light of the conformation of the Popular Front Darío Santillán (FPDS) in 2003. This paper is an attempt to characterize the profile of a "new left". In this way, we will analyze: a) the way in which politicalideological definitions take place, from the reading that is realized over the consolidation of the above mentioned government and its strategies in relation with the different mobilized unemployed organizations, b) the kind of political construction of the FPDS, considering the interpretations and the reference to the organizational and mobilization experiences of the Movimientos de Trabajadores Desocupados (Unemployed Workers Movements) from which it has been conformed, c) the transformations in the collective identity, originated in the transition of the recognition as an organization of "unemployed movement" to the identification as " multisectorial organization".


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How to Cite
Fornillo B. ., Garcia A. . y Vazquez M. . (2008). Perfiles de la nueva izquierda en la argentina reciente. acerca de las transformaciones de los movimientos de trabajadores desocupados autónomos. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 19(3), 319-339.