La garantía social y la autoejecución del derecho al trabajo: La España post-crisis (2007-2017)

  • Albert Noguera Fernández Universidad de Valencia
Keywords: social guarantee, self-enforceability of rights, right to work, recovered factories, land occupation, Spain.


What happens when neither the institutions nor the official law are able to cover the basic needs of subsistence and a decent life of an individual or group of people? Do they have, in these situations, a right to self-enforceability of rights? This article will analyze this issue and the main debates associated with it, focusing on the different experiences and types of self-enforceability of the right to work that have occurred in Spain during the last years following the 2007-2008. In particular, it will be analyzed different cases of factory recovery and land occupation and self-management looking at the differences between these two forms of self-executing of the right to work.


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Author Biography

Albert Noguera Fernández, Universidad de Valencia
Profesor de derecho constitucional en la Universidad de Valencia



How to Cite
Noguera Fernández A. (2017). La garantía social y la autoejecución del derecho al trabajo: La España post-crisis (2007-2017). Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 52(4), 19-39.