'Lo que diga la asamblea'. El ritual político como fetiche en tiempos de crisis

  • Francisco J Cubelos Gallardo Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (CIES-IUL)
Keywords: Assembly, ritual, politics, democracy, ethnography


The current systemic crisis has operated as an opportunity structure on which have crystallized new discourses, new practices and new political structures. The emergence of 15M, Platform for People Affected by Mortgages (PAH) or so-called "tides" have allowed the visibility of ways of doing politics that make an explicit difference with the practices associated with the political establishment of the "78 regime". Some of the practices popularized by these movements have become assumed by broad segments of the population. Among them, the assembly as a legitimate method of decision making. In this paper we propose an analysis of the assembly as a political ritual, making a description of its organizational logic, principles of legimitación and formal characteristics. Through ethnographic data collected in the city of Alcala de Guadaira (Sevilla) trace the specific frame of discourses, practices and observable relationships within assemblies organized by the 15M movement. Finally, through these data, we reflect on the political meaning of the ritual in times of crisis.


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How to Cite
Cubelos Gallardo F. J. (2016). ’Lo que diga la asamblea’. El ritual político como fetiche en tiempos de crisis. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 48(2), 61-75. https://doi.org/10.5209/NOMA.53291