El carácter andaluz durante cuatro décadas de democracia: identidades territoriales y culturas políticas

  • Francisco Collado Campaña Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Keywords: Andalusia, identity, political context, ideology, materialism, postmaterialism.


In 2015, ago forty years of representative democracy in Spain. Throughout this period, the development of the State of the autonomies has formed a heterogeneous polyhedron with different communities, identities and ways of conceiving the political life in every territory. In the andalusian case, two dynamics have existed concerning the imaginary one of how they are seen and how the same his inhabitants see themselves. First, a negative image of the andalusian constructed by some actors of the public opinion opposite to positive other one that emphasizes his economic, social and cultural advances. Second, an internal (and often silent) conflict between the different territories in the set of eight provinces. Before this variety of opinions, we presents a diachronical analysis of the territorial identities of the andalusian inhabitants and the political culture from the principal statistical dates of Center of Andalusian Studies, CIS and IESA.


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Author Biography

Francisco Collado Campaña, Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Francisco Collado es Doctorando en Ciencias Políticas por la Universidad Pablo de Olavide con un proyecto de tesis sobre el liderazgo local de los alcaldes en Andalucía. Sus temas de investigación son liderazgo político, élites políticas, comunicación política y teoría política.

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How to Cite
Collado Campaña F. (2017). El carácter andaluz durante cuatro décadas de democracia: identidades territoriales y culturas políticas. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 52(4), 211-234. https://doi.org/10.5209/NOMA.51641