The transcendence of religious beliefs which involves older adults in Anonymous Alcoholics supporting groups

  • Oscar Osorio Pérez Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
Keywords: Older people, Religious beliefs. Anonymous alcoholics, common life


This article examined how religious beliefs in a sector of the elderly who participates in a group of AA (alcoholics anonymous), could be able to generate expectations and motivations to provide a direction of their actions and their own system of their world and reality. Ethnographic research shows that Religious beliefs are not only the resulting product of an institutionalized religion, but are also arising from the secular relationship of institutions and from their own dynamic order of their common life activities where they build themselves as maps of reference and resistance against adversity and uncertainty.


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How to Cite
Osorio Pérez O. (2015). The transcendence of religious beliefs which involves older adults in Anonymous Alcoholics supporting groups. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 45(1), 133-149.