De la asimilación al "apartheid" social. Claves de un debate normativo inacabado sobre la integración de los inmigrantes en Francia

  • Kayamba Tshitshi Ndouba Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Keywords: integration, assimilation, multiculturalism, ethnicization, Republic, Islam, banlieues


This paper discusses the relevance of the gap between the republican integration doctrine and sociological, political, cultural and demographic dynamics of "ethnic" community relations that induce to a state of "multiculturalism in fact," a French multiculturalism. Unintended result of blind and hypocritical hegemonic regulation of the principle of civic unity of the nation, French multiculturalism can be submitted at least theoretically, as the confluence of five sub-processes: the ethnicization of urban space and the weakening of social bonds (lien social), territorial specialization and social relegation, the "politique de la ville" as ethnic policy (or specific policy), "cultural insecurity" and demographics dynamics and expansion capacity of the Muslim religion.


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How to Cite
Tshitshi Ndouba K. (2015). De la asimilación al "apartheid" social. Claves de un debate normativo inacabado sobre la integración de los inmigrantes en Francia. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 45(1), 71-95.