¿Qué democracia tenemos? Democracia real y democracia liberal representativa

  • Carlos Gil de Gómez Pérez-Arados Universidad de Oviedo
Keywords: Real democracy, liberal democracy, civic virtues, private, public


In recent years it has been making space in the socio-political concept of real democracy, driven by social movements but widespread in language and common practice. However, the common use of the term seems to be meaningless, or at least, lacking a clear and concise manner. Indeed, we all share the desire for a real democracy but we all would be precisely defined. This work intends to be a realistic study of what kind of democracy we have, based on the evolution of the various streams (including republican ideology) that led us to share the democracy that we live in today. This will lead us to rethink what we have but not only from the perspective of power, but, above all, from the position of the citizen who tends to neglect public affairs.


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How to Cite
Gil de Gómez Pérez-Arados C. (2015). ¿Qué democracia tenemos? Democracia real y democracia liberal representativa. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 40(4), 55-68. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_NOMA.2013.v40.n4.48336