Car's hermeneutic: utopia, (dis)memory and metaphor

  • José-Luis Anta Félez Universidad de Jaén Área de Antropología Social
Keywords: Cars, Objects, Capitalism, Communication, Research.


Through emails from a university professor we watching over two weeks is built, researched and polemic on cars as privileged object of industrial society and the western market. The car on its own dimension of individuality, but also consumer object can be read in that it is used, one could say that the car is the social object that represents the individual, in that form of discipline while which is the symbol, too, of that huge machine that is power. Ultimately, it is an object that reveals the tensions between the individual and the social. Similarly, in this work we witness some crossovers in the life of a university professor who, generally, nor is linear, far from focusing solely on academia, teaching or research, but it has a lot of miserable, opportunistic and control of the social life.


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How to Cite
Anta Félez J.-L. (2015). Car’s hermeneutic: utopia, (dis)memory and metaphor. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 40(4), 11-22.