Las reformas agrarias en México y los proyectos de desarrollo rural en un municipio del Estado de Veracruz

  • Ana Isabel Cárcar Irujo Universidad Pública de Navarra
Keywords: land reform, access to land, projects, rural development


Throughout twentieth century, Mexico carried out two agrarian reforms with the fundamental lens to intensify the capitalist or neoliberal policies. The objective of the first reform was the expropriation of land to the landowners and his delivery to the country people creating the “ejidos”. But the State supervised undertaken all affairs, maintaining political and economic control over the peasants. With the second agrarian reform approved in 1992, the privatization of the land is allowed and eliminates the interference of the State in the communities. Both reforms were claiming neither an equitable redistribution of the land, nor a socioeconomic improvement of the peasantry, for what the consequences have been similar in both reforms: the access to the land and to the projects of government for the rural development continues directly linked to the relations of kinship and political dependence. However, in the second reform the concentration of land in the hands of multinational companies is remarkable. The projects of rural development of the SAGARPA are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively in Emiliano Zapata's municipality, State of Veracruz, to verify its relation with the patronage networks.


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How to Cite
Cárcar Irujo A. I. (2013). Las reformas agrarias en México y los proyectos de desarrollo rural en un municipio del Estado de Veracruz. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 38(2), 277-299.