Why do men show a more aggressive behavior than women? For a evolutionary anthropology of the aggressive behavior

  • Thiago Perez Bernardes de Moraes Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy
Keywords: male violence, evolutionary anthropology, natural selection, sexual selection


Violence is something that several societies carry among its cultures as a common characteristic, some in larger ways, and some in smaller measures. However, in all of them, men show a more aggressive behavior than women. In that way, there are evidences, that this reality has a correlation with the evolutionary past from our specie. So, this studies, acts with two explanatory hypotheses for this case. One concern to the labor sexual division; the other to the sexual selection in the parental charge and the selectivity of the females. Both seem to have exercised pressures in a way of composing psychological aggressive tendencies.


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How to Cite
Bernardes de Moraes T. P. (2013). Why do men show a more aggressive behavior than women? For a evolutionary anthropology of the aggressive behavior. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 37(1), 93-111. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_NOMA.2013.v37.n1.42561