Re-defining the nation: indigenous struggles and Plurinational State in Ecuador (1990-2008)

  • Edwin Cruz Rodríguez Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Keywords: Ecuador, indigenous movement, nation, self identity


This work studies the impact of the Ecuadorian indigenous movement on the meaning of the nation between 1990 and 2008. The central position is that in this period the indigenous movement was able to re-mean the Ecuadorian nation and it was possible because it didn't only achieve a stable articulation of the indigenous sectors but rather it was able to be projected articulating the demands from other sectors opponents to the neoliberal reformations. It allowed him to it to traffic of a sectoral fight centered in the indigenous demands to a national fight defining a nation project synthesized in the Plurinational State until reaching their recognition in the new Political Constitution. To develop this position, the dynamics of collective action are analyzed in the Ecuadorian indigenous movement identifying the articulations and antagonisms that it settles down, as much among the indigenous organizations as with other sectors, for the realization of their nation project like hegemonic project.


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How to Cite
Cruz Rodríguez E. (2013). Re-defining the nation: indigenous struggles and Plurinational State in Ecuador (1990-2008). Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 469-491.
Historia y Civilización