La misión de la universidad en la Edad Media: Servir a los altos estamentos y contribuir al desarrollo de las ciudades

  • Joan Pedro Carañana Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Medieval university, mission, social mediation, papacy, Holy Empire, monarchy, city, faith, heresy, social movements, Wyclif, goliards.


This article is about the mission of the medieval university. In the first centuries of existence of the university, its mission was geared towards the reproduction of the power of the High Estates and of cities. The papacy, the church hierarchy, the Holy Roman Empire, monarchies and municipal forces influenced the universities to get support in their struggle for existence and power. Law was one of the main tools because the conflict between the papacy and the Holy Roman Empire was often settled in the legal system. The first promoted canon law at the universities, while the second favored Roman law. In addition, the universities had to participate in the fight against heretical movements and other anti-establishment movements. The institutional missions that the dominant powers assigned to universities were sometimes transgressed from the heart of university.


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How to Cite
Carañana J. P. (2012). La misión de la universidad en la Edad Media: Servir a los altos estamentos y contribuir al desarrollo de las ciudades. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 34(2), 325-355.