El viaje y lo monstruoso en el Siglo XVIII. Por una ética-estética del Grand Tour

  • Nieves Soriano Nieto Filósofa - IES Misteri d’Elx, Elche (Alicante)
Keywords: Grand Tour, Aesthetics, enlightenment, travel, literature, ideas, representation, Sicily.


In this article we will analyze how aesthetics ideas evolved in Europe when travelling to Italy to make the Grand Tour. In the Enlightenment, travellers moved to Italy searching classicism. Nevertheless, in Sicily, they found also monstruosness as a part of the shade. How did the Enlighted Europe lived this meeting from an ethical and aesthetic point of view?


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How to Cite
Soriano Nieto N. (2011). El viaje y lo monstruoso en el Siglo XVIII. Por una ética-estética del Grand Tour. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 32(4), 255-288. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_NOMA.2011.v32.n4.38080