Decline and Death of the European Spirit. Returning the gaze towards Oswald Spengler

  • Carlos Javier Blanco Martín Universidad de Oviedo
Keywords: decline, cultural pluralism, unilateral infinity.


Oswald Spengler produced a pluralistic and organicist conception of history. In his view the cultures undergo a morphological necessity, involving birth, splendor and decline before death. West is next to die, it is the corpse of a culture, ie a Civilization. The military decline of the West in front of the "new barbarians" and the subjugation of the political to the economic and financial are marking our age. An unilateral age, in which the "Faustian soul" of our culture is exclusively running on infinity channels and production technique and insatiable accumulation of surplus value


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How to Cite
Blanco Martín C. J. (2011). Decline and Death of the European Spirit. Returning the gaze towards Oswald Spengler. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 32(4), 63-78.