The individual only true freedom is possible in a society without state

  • Carmen Rodríguez de León
Keywords: anarchism, state, individual freedom


This essay is part of the academic activities of the Curriculum Unit "Democracy, State and Social Policies" Doctorate "Public Health Management" which is taught at the Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela, Bolivar site. The activity was to choose a statement provided by the facilitator and take a position on it, with their respective arguments. The statement called this trial corresponds with the basics of the ideology of anarchism that sees the existence of organized societies voluntarily, without the presence of government or state agencies as a means to achieve personal freedom. In this regard, I am going to put against the statement respecting the political mainstream anarchism, arguing the concepts of freedom provided by various documents and theoretical questioning the role of morality in individual freedom, based on the philosophy of Immanuel Kant.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez de León C. (2011). The individual only true freedom is possible in a society without state. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 436-439.
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