La vigencia de lo clásico. Reseña de Individuo y Profesión. El proceso de especialización en las teorías de la modernidad de Max Weber y Georg Simmel de Emiliano Torterola

  • Evangelina Geicsnek Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Beruf, specialization, modernity, profession, vocation, socialization, individualization


This review aims Emiliano Torterolas's work, which discusses the process of specialization as a social and cultural modern fact, articulating both Max Weber’s and Georg Simmel’s analysis made about it in their respective theories of modernity. Under the hypothesis that both authors offered an interpretation of complex, open and ambivalent order and modern institutions and avoiding, in turn, to diagnose or unilaterally consider the consequences of specialization for the configuration of the modern subject, Torterola departs from reductionist eyes that threaten the fertility of the field of sociological theory and offers a counterweight to that effect, as focuses on the dual concern of German sociologists, both the objective recognition of a rationalized and differentiated work’ world and the notorious concern about the conditions of possibility of a significant individuality. In this regard, the term Beruf becomes a keyword: as vocation (subjective) and profession (objective), the Beruf bears the imprint of its historical peculiarity: the objectification of subjective life and subjectivity of the objective universe, a tension relationship between material and spiritual life embodied in the ethos of modern professional.


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How to Cite
Geicsnek E. (2011). La vigencia de lo clásico. Reseña de Individuo y Profesión. El proceso de especialización en las teorías de la modernidad de Max Weber y Georg Simmel de Emiliano Torterola. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 31(3), 389-396.
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