La recepción del psicoanálisis en el pensamiento postestructuralista de Lyotard: la cuestión del deseo y del inconsciente

  • Belén Castellanos Rodríguez IES Práxedes Mateo Sagasti, Logroño
Keywords: Lyotard, poststructuralism, psychoanalysis, unconscious, desire, Lacan


The following article tries to elucidate the Lyotardian conceptions of the unconscious and desire, understood within the poststructuralist tradition. Poststructuralist positions around the abovementioned issues depend on a philosophical event that is the reception of the Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalytic work by the French intellectual movement. Therefore, we express some hints about the reinvention of Freud by Lacan, a thinker whith whom poststructuralism settles scores, afterwards we examine the characteristics that define the poststructuralist reception of psychoanalysis and, finally, we will address the specific treatment of Lyotard on the basis of two of his works referred to psychoanalysis.


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How to Cite
Castellanos Rodríguez B. (2011). La recepción del psicoanálisis en el pensamiento postestructuralista de Lyotard: la cuestión del deseo y del inconsciente. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 31(3), 79-95.