Historia, acción colectiva y responsabilidad

  • Mariela Hemilse Acevedo Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: History, Collective Action, Responsibility, Walter Benjamin, Paul Ricoeur


Thinking about the relationship within men and history and how they position from an ethical-political aspect in front of it -that is, in front of the lives of others and in front of life with others, be they contemporaries or successors predecessors-, we refer both to the actions as narratives from which people connect their lives in a world in common. Whereas the policy actions that actors -individual and collective-, undertaken in the present are inserted into a particular narrative about the history, it is central to understanding why past performance is tied to the identity configuration of the different actors as it operates as a frame of meaning of their actions in public space. Given these considerations, this paper will be interest in thinking some clues to raise the responsibility that any political action supposes assuming with the totality of the history from some notions of Walter Benjamin and Paul Ricoeur.


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How to Cite
Acevedo M. H. (2011). Historia, acción colectiva y responsabilidad. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 30(2), 45-54. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_NOMA.2011.v30.n2.36557