La escuela católica de economía en España: profesores y libros de texto (1875-1936)

  • Manuel Martín Rodríguez
Keywords: School, Catholic, Economy


Although the economics catholic school has disappeared from the current manuals of economic thought history, it actually existed and was considered as such in the manuals published in Europe in the last third of the nineteenth century and in the first third of the twentieth century. The school had its leaders, its methodology, its analytical instruments, its regular meetings, its magazines in which its ideas were introduced and a strong discipline to keep the group cohesive. With followers in almost all the western world, the countries in which they had greater implantation were Italy, Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland and Spain. In this work we study the Spanish academic economists who were members of this school in the period 1875-1936 and the textbooks of political economy that they used in their teachings, an issue that was tackled some time ago by Olascoaga (1896) and Franco (1927),  but  has remained since in almost total oblivion.


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How to Cite
Martín Rodríguez M. (2020). La escuela católica de economía en España: profesores y libros de texto (1875-1936). Iberian Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 7(2), 101-122.