Human Rights and their Address: Is it Possible to Take into Account a Citizen Usual Address in Order to Put the Penalty in Writing?

  • José María Coello de Portugal Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Address, equality and non discrimination, individual freedom, lack of freedom penalty, basic rights, human rights


This piece of work looks into the possibility for the legal national bodies to frame the type of penalty assigned to the active subject to a crime with regards to the unusual address of the person who is responsible for the prosecuted crimes, together with the compliance of such criteria with human rights. The latter being due to this new case law by the EU Court of Human Rights which takes into account the address not only because of its special legal status but also as the frame for a number of basic rights, as well as its likely discrimination among citizens and the break against equality facing the law of such who have been treated as responsible parties for commiting a crime prosecuted by penal law.


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How to Cite
Coello de Portugal J. M. (2019). Human Rights and their Address: Is it Possible to Take into Account a Citizen Usual Address in Order to Put the Penalty in Writing?. FORO. Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Nueva Época, 21(2), 63-82.