Benefits for Criminals Convicted of Crimes Against Humanity in Argentina: Supreme Court of Justice and a Controversial Sentence

  • Isaac Marcelo Basaure Miranda Abogado por la Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora (Argentina) Diplomado en Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales por la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco (Argentina)
Keywords: Argentinian Supreme Court of Justice, Crimes against Humanity, Human Rights, Two Times One.


The aim of this article is to establish whether the recent sentence by the Supreme Court of Justice of Argentina is respectful of the National and International Legal Systems regarding crimes against Humanity. In the sentence sleeved as Bignone, Reynaldo Benito Antonio and other vs. extraordinary resource of 3 May 2017, the Supreme Court decided its verdict in favour of Mr Luis Muiña, convicted of Crimes against Humanity, disposing that the law that applied was Act 24.390, colloquially known as «2x1 Act». Such law establishes that, once the first two years of preventive prison have timed up the account will go as follows: two days of prison per day of preventive prison effectively served in prison. Through this piece of work we will then try to establish whether such benefit toward the convicted person implies a breach of the law which applies here.


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How to Cite
Basaure Miranda I. M. (2018). Benefits for Criminals Convicted of Crimes Against Humanity in Argentina: Supreme Court of Justice and a Controversial Sentence. FORO. Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Nueva Época, 20(2), 67-88.