El Efecto Local sobre el Movimiento Sísmico del Suelo: Fenomenología y Resultados Recientes.
Ihere are Éhree fundamental factors that contribuLe to seismie wave travelling: the source, te medium through which the waves are transmitted, and Sonia Alvarez Rubio El Efecto Local sobre el Movimiento Sísmico del Suelo... the site or local effect. This last aspect, of utmost importanee in the design of seismic strnctures, is the theme of numerous works, aboye alí the disaster assessments of recent destructive earthquakes such as Guerrero-Michoacan (1985), Northrigde (1994), Kobe (1995), where it has been proven that a relevant seismic movement variation in some cases cannot be explained in ternís of the source or the intermediate wave path. The aim of this work is to present the site effect studies within a general frame and describe its two basic aspects: its local geology, aud its topographic contribution to the soil movement, both discussed from a phenomenological and methodological point of view. Thus, this work cites sorne of the latest results, together with those that although not so recent, are considered significant references for this kind of study. 1.Downloads
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How to Cite
Álvarez S. (1999). El Efecto Local sobre el Movimiento Sísmico del Suelo: Fenomenología y Resultados Recientes. Física de la Tierra, 11, 141. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/FITE/article/view/FITE9999110141A