Peligrosidad Sísmica.
In this work we present a global view of what any evaluation of seismic hazard represents, starting with the definition itself and with the general cías Belén Benito y M.0 EstherJi mÁnez Peligrosidad Sísmica sification of te methods employed ter its estimation. Next, we describe the steps to be followed and the information to be considered in the evaluation, with an indication of the problems and solutions which are found in each aspect of the ground motion contributing to the ha¿ard assessment of a given site. We also show, in synthesis, the main methods for the calculation of hazard, from the most classical to the latest recently proposed. Ihe problem of uncertainties quantification is also approached, with an indication of the techniques currently used for its estimation and control. The paper concludes with an account of the results obtained in the hazard study, both at the regional level, and specifically at any given site. Ah the inherent aspects of the hazard assessment are treated in this work in a general way, essentially with a view to give an idea of its basis and to establish tI-te basic principIes of the studies to be carried out with this aim. 1.Downloads
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How to Cite
Benito B. y Cabañas L. (1999). Peligrosidad Sísmica. Física de la Tierra, 11, 13.