Sismicidad y sismotectónica de Perú.
Main characteristies of the seismicity and seismotectonics of Peru are presented in this paper. Distribution of hypocenters with depth are analized. Focal mecbanisms of twenty earthquakes (1990-1996, nib =5,8) have been calcula Hernando Tavera y Elisa J3uforn Sisrnicidad y sisazoleetónica de Perú ted from broad band digital records using polarity of P waves, modeling and spectral analysis of body waves. Distribution of stress has been obtained from results of 48 earthquakes studied by several authors and from results of this papen Results shown reverse faulting br shallow earthquakes (h = km) 60 with horizontal pressure axes in ENE-WSW to E-W direction. For interinediate earthquakes (60 < h = km) tensional axes are horizontal and orienta 350 ted in E-W direction, perpendicular to the trench. Deep earthquakes (h > 350 km) have horizontal tension axes orientated in E-W direction in Peru-Brasil border and N-S direction in Peru-Bolivia. They may indicate a different origin br both. From this results a seismotectonies framework is presented. 1.Downloads
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How to Cite
Tavera H. y Buforn E. (1998). Sismicidad y sismotectónica de Perú. Física de la Tierra, 10, 187.