Prospección geoeléctrica de vertederos de residuos sólidos con el dispositivo de Wenner.

  • A. Rozychi
Keywords: VES, lateral effects, environrnent


The VES method is one of the geophysical techniques, used frequently in the prospection of solid waste deposits. me horizontal dimensions of a waste disposal are very Física de la Tierra, nY 7, 227-241. Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense, 1995 228 Alexander Rozycki often amalí in respect to the electrical arrays which are necesery lo penetrate at desired depth. In consequence the lateral limits can offect the measured VES curves. The change of shapes observed on VES curves, when affected by one or two latero1 limits, are studied in this texí. Ihe data were obtained by numerical simulation ami the Wenner array was chosen as Ihe measuremeur array. The deformation observed at a VES curve depends on íhe distance belween the central point of VES and the lateral limit. When several VES curves are measured dose one to another, the set of distorted curves show a trend. The trcnd id different mr resistive modeis compared to conductive models. The distorted curves have their own characteristic pattern for one lateral limit (model type 1) and for two lateral limits (model type 2 or 3). Once recognized the type of a inodel, VES curves can be corrected. The interpretation of corrected curves yields the betrer geoelectricol parameters then ihe interpretation of any of tIte distorted curves. To detect the presence of lateral limits a special procedure of the field work can be applied.


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How to Cite
Rozychi A. (1995). Prospección geoeléctrica de vertederos de residuos sólidos con el dispositivo de Wenner. Física de la Tierra, 7, 227.