Ensayos geofísicos sobre el yacimiento de sulfuros polimetálicos de Las Herrerías. Puebla de la Reina. Badajoz.
Puebla de la Reina, geophysical methods, sulphides c
This paper describes the most significant results of the geophysical surveys carried out over Las Herrerías polimetallic sulphide deposit. During a decade of exploration, a great variety of geophysical methods have been applied on the site: direct current electrical metbods, induced polarization, potential fie]d, ground electromagnetic and airborne methods, everyone with several arrays and spacings. The response from Las Herrerías body is analyzed, ¿md sorne suggestions are derived for its geological setting.Downloads
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How to Cite
García Lobón J. L. y Baeza Rojano L. (1995). Ensayos geofísicos sobre el yacimiento de sulfuros polimetálicos de Las Herrerías. Puebla de la Reina. Badajoz. Física de la Tierra, 7, 87. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/FITE/article/view/FITE9595110087A