Bancos de datos geofísicos del ITGE.

  • M. Olmo Alarcón
  • J.L. Plata Torres
  • J. L. García Lobón
Keywords: Geophysics, Documentation, Data Base, Maps, Catalogues


At the "Centro de Información y Documentación del ITGE", may be consulted ah the information regarding the national geology, which is gathered and produced by this Organization. In this paper a brief explanation is given about the main Geophysical fi Física de la Tierra, nY 7, 11-32. servicio de Publicaciones. Universidad Complutense, 1995 1 L. Plata Torres, J. L. García Lobón y M. O/mo Alarcón ¡2 les diere contained. They are of ibree types: catalogues, maps aud digital data bases. There are catalogues of the mosí pan of the works made in Spain of aeromagnetics. gravity, vertical electrical soundings, well loggings, seismics proifles anó geophysical prospections at Ihe Pyrite Belt; in this kind of files, information about the gcographical position of the different works is given, as well as their main parameters, though it is alsopossible to find iii same cases another kind of data, as digital well loggins oc seism¡cs sections. There are íwo main types of geopysical maps available, at the 1/50.000 and 1/200,000 scales, of tbe Bouguer anomaly ami of Use magnetie fleId anomaly, drawn after dic recovery of many works carried out by ITGE and others, covering an important part of tIte country. The digital data bases contain the values of Ihe gravity and magnetic field stations, which have been possible to recover, and are accessible through Oracle and Arc/lnfo. Finally, there is a base with al' Use information directly generated by the Area de Geofísica of ITGE, which bears more than 480 technical files and 9.000 digital data files.


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How to Cite
Olmo Alarcón M., Plata Torres J. y García Lobón J. L. (1995). Bancos de datos geofísicos del ITGE. Física de la Tierra, 7, 11.